Rabine does a fine job of evoking a courtesy that seems cunning, and her own breakdown is a riot to watch
— John Rodat, Metroland
Brenny Rabine is a comic delight as the passive-aggressive Annette, who, when not throwing up, is pretty aggressive in her own right.
— Bob Goepfert, Troy Record
Hysterical! Fantastic, sharp, and brutal comedy, and [Brenny] gets down and dirty. She’s like a blonde switchblade…It’s glorious.
— Patrick White, online Cover Theatre
As in any great memory play, the narrator is the key to its success. Brenny Rabine, a Harper Lee look-alike, gives soulful expression to the author’s often painful yet wondrous reminiscences.
— Carol King, The Daily Gazette
The work is solidified by Brenny Rabine who gives a memorable performance as the older Scout. This is a memory play, but Rabine is more than a narrator who recalls the past, She, as much as Atticus, is the soul of the play as her observations and reactions to certain moments drive home that, at its core, this is a play about a father passing on values to his children.
— Bob Goepfert, Troy Record
Brenny Rabine plays the grown-up Jean Louise, and she offers fine moments when looking back–literally–at her life as Scout.
— Michael Eck, The Times Union
Meg (an absolutely shimmering Brenny Rabine in the ably crafted, smoothly played Oldcastle Theatre Company production…) instinctively knows that life has fare more to offer her than what lies ahead.
Meg comes into her own, not only as a talented amateur actress, but also as a woman–an attractive woman with a good deal to offer and with an adventurous spirit. Rabine navigates those conflicting pulls within Meg expertly, giving Ludwig’s ultimately labored comedy a full, rich dimension in the process.
— Jeffrey Borak, The Berkshire Eagle
‘A local gem’
While Bostnar and Wortham have numerous New York City acting credits on their résumé, Rabine has been busy in the Capital Region doing television commercials and most recently performing with Theater Voices and the Steamer No. 10 Theatre. If Bostnar is any judge, Rabine holds her own pretty well on stage with the other two women.
“She’s one of the most delightful people I’ve ever met, and I think she’s just brilliant as our maid,” said Bostnar. “I initially had trouble keeping a straight face with her in rehearsals. She’s that good. She’s a local gem.”
— Bill Buell, The Daily Gazette
In addition to Wortham, Lisa Bostnar plays Anna and local mainstay Brenny Rabine plays the put-upon maid, Catherine.
Lamude has nothing but good things to say about Rabine (“I couldn’t be more thrilled”) and agrees that her improv comedy and theater work with The Mop & Bucket Company is helping her put the right flummoxed edge on her character.
“This is going to be very different from what people have seen her do,” Lamude says. “This is very high style and she has a wonderful comic sense.”
— Michael Eck, The Times Union
He’s especially aided in this by Capital Region actress Brenny Rabine, who plays the put-upon maid, Catherine. Rabine has some wonderful comic skills and she gladly acts the buffoon here, doling out oafishness and wisdom at just the right moments, which are many.
Lamude even makes vaudeville out of Rabine during scene changes (which compress the two-act script into a breakless show).
— Michael Eck, The Times Union
Nothing flags in director Terence Lamude’s fast-paced treatment, which slows just long enough for these three terrific actresses to deadpan or let hang a provocative word. Rabine’s sweet and impish Catherine, like a cousin to Stan Laurel, turns out to be the only sane one, and that’s not saying much.
— Paul Lamar, The Daily Gazette
The appearances by Catherine, the poor befuddled maid, are the comic highlights of the show.
Brenny Rabine gets all the humor there is in the character and, to her credit, she does it by developing a character. Rabine offers an extremely disciplined performance in creating an over-the-top person who is controlled as a character.
An added bonus is Rabine’s solo work as she dresses the set between acts while dancing to Susan Cicarelli Caputo’s choreography.
— Bob Goepfert, Troy Record
Brenny Rabine is asked to play a number of disagreeable supporting characters and it’s a wonder that they all work. She plays the small roles with flair and the larger roles with honesty. Her final turn as Bud’s horrid wife is a moment of emotional integrity that is otherwise lacking in the play.
— Bob Goepfert, Troy Record
Rabine displays spectacular versatility as she appears first as several of Bud’s dates after he and his wife have divorced, and then as Bud’s cheating and ambitious wife, a limping, chain-smoking secretary, and Molly’s malicious daughter-in-law.
— Carol King, The Daily Gazette
Brenny Rabine is Bud’s two-timing wife. As they approach a parting of their ways, the two interact with considerable humor and occasional touches of deeper feeling. Brenny Rabine also appears briefly in a variety of other roles, again all laugh-provoking.
— Bob Rose, The Post-Star
Rabine, ever the clown, gets a lot of laughs early in the play by depicting a string of Bud’s youthful girlfriends…
— Michael Eck, The Times Union